
Stress Less. Be Healthy Eat Vegan!
I believe that all parents should be able to confidently raise vegan kids!
Therefore, I will do my best to provide you with everything you need for Vegan Meal Planning and Raising Vegan Kids!!

Profile picture of Shawna, the owner, recipe developer, photographer, and food videographer of Stress Less Be Healthy.

*Please note that I am in the process of making more useful content to help you raise vegan kids and if there is something specific that you would like to see on here, please email me at [email protected]

*Disclosure: some links may contain affiliate links. For more information on what this means, visit my disclosure page.

Hi there, and welcome to Stress Less Be Healthy!

A place to help you stress less while raising vegan kids; because we all know that to be vegan (and eat a whole food plant based diet) is to be healthy!

If you’re new here, I just want to let you know that you are awesome for wanting to raise vegan kids!

By raising kids on a proper vegan diet you are helping them:

But, raising vegan kids isn’t always the easiest…

There’s the non-vegans who criticize your decision and try to make you feel guilty for feeding your kids a vegan diet.

There’s the picky eaters.

And then the constant worry if what you are doing is the best thing for your child, especially if the pediatrician doesn’t approve!

I get it.

I’ve been there.

I still remember my oldest daughters first pediatrician who told us to start feeding her meat once she turned a year old. *Rolls eyes* Yeah, that never happened!

The thing we have to remember is that doctors aren’t required to have much nutritional training, so they may not always know what’s best for our kids as far as what they should eat. (Of course, there are some exceptions who are quite supportive of plant based diets, like the pediatrician we had in Washington State!)

*Note- If your doctor has an issue with you raising your child vegan, try to have them refer you to a Registered Dietitian who is familiar with a vegan diet. That way you will get the personalized help your child needs.

As for other non-vegans criticizing you; they don’t the have the right to do so.

For those who question you if you’re going to ‘force’ your child to eat vegan; what if it was reversed? Are they really going to force their kids to eat the decaying corpses of a once living, breathing, loving animal?

Tread carefully, no one likes to be judged!

And, as for the picky eaters, that is not exclusive to vegan kids; any kid can be a picky eater, vegan or not!

If you agree with the above, then you’ll love this site!

There’s no judgement here if you and your kids are still transitioning to a vegan diet, either.

I get that it can be difficult! Especially if transitioning children after they’ve been accustomed to the standard American diet.

Some foods can be a struggle to replace, such as cheese.

Other foods, that maybe you thought were vegan aren’t, because they had to sneak in some type of milk derivative to please the food industry.

And that’s why Stress Less Be Healthy is here!

To help you navigate being a mom to vegan kids.

To help you find vegan alternatives to the non-vegan food your kids love.

To assist with vegan meal planning.

To provide you with easy to make vegan recipes, recipes that your kids can help make, and even recipes that may impress your non-vegan guests (who can leave their animal products at the door)! Recipes with photos you can show your kids and they’ll actually want to eat!

Now, who am I?

My name is Shawna.

I’m a vegan mom of 3 kids (ages 4, 7, & 11).

I’m not a registered dietitian (though I hope to be someday!).

I could call myself a nutritionist, but most anyone can.

So, why do I think I can help you raise your kids vegan?

Because I’m right there with you, experiencing raising vegan kids through every stage!

Dealing with the picky eating and needing to find solutions that actually work. (Which is where my degree in psychology and knowing the different developmental stages in childhood comes in handy!)

Being worried about baby led weaning and hoping my baby doesn’t choke on the food I’m giving her.

Having had to transition my oldest child from the standard American diet, that she was fed while I worked full time outside the home, to a healthy vegan diet.

I get the struggles you’re going through, because I’ve been there. And I want to help you get through the struggles as gracefully as possible!

Because having a child who grows up vegan, will grow up eating whole healthy plant based foods, and will grow up kind!

And because hearing a child say “yay, veggies!!” will be music to your ears, just as it is to mine every time middle child says it! (And she’s been saying it since a toddler!)

What Now?

If you are new to raising a vegan child, I’ve put together an ultimate guide for raising vegan kids that will help you through, not only with the nutrition they need, but also with dealing with non-vegans, what to actually feed your kids, and more!

Be sure to check it out and start here!

And don’t forget to try some recipes!

I hope you find what you’re looking for!

Whether it be for someone to connect with who understands the struggles you’re going through as a vegan mom, or if you’re simply trying to figure out what to feed your family!

So, when you get a spare moment, I’d like to help you out, give you some practical tips, or maybe even some inspiration!

And re-assure you that you know what is best for your child, and that raising vegan kids is so worth it. There’s a whole community of vegan parents out there just like you, including myself, nutritionists & dietitians, and so many more parents! You are not alone.

I invite you to sign up to receive weekly emails about new recipes, and so I can help you raise healthy vegan kids, let you know about awesome deals, and more!! Also, feel free to email me back anytime, especially if there is a topic you would like to see covered on this site, in an email, or something that goes a little more in depth!

Join The 1K+ Community of Vegan Moms!!

Sign up for exclusive emails with tips for raising healthy vegan kids, recipes with photos so pretty your kids will want to try them, meal planning, and get a free vegan meal plan for your whole family!!

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A list of websites that Stress Less Be Healthy has been featured on.