4 banana snowmen on a white plate.
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Banana Snowmen (A Healthy Christmas Snack)

Baked apples on a white plate with non-dairy vanilla ice cream topping them.
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Easy Air Fryer Baked Apples

Vegan Snowball cookies piled on a white plate with the top cookie with a bite missing.
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Vegan Snowball Cookies

Candy Cane shaped snack made from bananas and strawberries on a white plate with extra banana and strawberry slices.

Strawberry Banana Candy Canes

Candied Pecans in a white bowl with more pecans surrounding it.

Easy Vegan Candied Pecans (Stovetop)

Kiwi Christmas tree with blueberry and strawberry ornaments and a banana star tree topper on a white plate with more ingredients surrounding the tree.

Kiwi Christmas Tree

2 Vegan Gingerbread Muffins iced and stacked on top of each other.
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Vegan Gingerbread Muffins (Easy, Healthy, & No Oil)

Vegan Sugar Cookie on a black cooling rack. A decorated snowman cookie is in the center.

The Best Vegan Sugar Cookies (Perfect for Christmas)

Simple homemade applesauce in a small glass bowl with a teal pot and another bowl of applesauce behind it.

My Easy Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce (that you’ll regret not making)!!

Vegan pumpkin spice latte with non-dairy whip, a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, and a cinnamon stick in a mug.

Vegan Pumpkin Spice Latte