Kiwi Christmas Tree
Below you will find an easy and adorable (and edible) Kiwi Christmas Tree craft snack to make and eat with your kids during the holidays!
Originally Published: August 29th, 2020
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Kids Holiday parties are full of sweet treats, cookies, and desserts, like this adorable Christmas drip cake (seriously, it’s so cute, you should give it try if you need a vegan Christmas cake this year!)….and sometimes a veggie tray with dip.
It’s not easy for kids to eat healthy at holiday parties, and it’s not their fault!
So let your kids play with their food this Christmas and have them help you make this adorable Kiwi Christmas Tree for a healthy and festive Holiday Brunch!
Or, as a simple snack they can play with and then enjoy (instead of sugary cookies and candy)!
It’s easy for our kids (and us) can still enjoy healthy food during holiday time without feeling like we’re being deprived!
Healthy holiday snacks do exist, and they can be just as stinkin’ cute as the ones loaded with fat and sugar!
Such as by making kiwi Christmas trees!
What You Need to Make This Fruit Christmas Tree

The recipe below is enough for 1 Tree, so keep that in mind when buying the ingredients, you’ll need to multiply the ingredients by the number of kids you’re trying to feed. Of course smaller kids, such as 2 and 3 year olds, might be able to split a tree.
Kiwi: Kiwis are the main ingredient in a kiwi Christmas Tree. If you or someone else making or eating this is allergic to kiwi then you could replace the kiwi with another green fruit or vegetable, like a cucumber. But then it would be a cucumber Christmas tree.
Berries: Any berry will work for the ornaments on this tree, if the berries are large, like strawberries, simply cut them up. Dried fruit would also work.
Banana: You only need a single slice of a banana for this tree. If you don’t have bananas, are allergic to them, or know you won’t finish eating the banana and don’t want it to go to waste, then use another yellow fruit for the star. A slice of pineapple cut in a star shape would also work well, and pineapples save much better in a container in the fridge.
How to Make a Fruit Christmas Tree
This Fruit Christmas Tree can be put together in a matter of minutes, and once the kiwi is peeled and sliced and the ‘ornaments’ are made, it’s safe enough for even a toddler to attempt to make (or to just eat).
Remember, it doesn’t have to be picture perfect!!
So get that notion out of your head now and enjoy making a healthy adorable snack for your kids for the holidays.
Or better yet, have your kids make it. Depending on your child’s age and experience in the kitchen, they may be able to make this recipe entirely by themselves!

The simple steps to get this created are:
- skin the kiwis
- slice the kiwis
- place them in a triangle sort of overlapping
- slice and add berries as ornaments
- use some leftover kiwi peel as a tree trunk
- make the star out of a slice of a banana and place it at the top
SEE, super simple!

Tips For Having Kids Make This Holiday Treat Themselves
I love it when my kids can make their own food, especially snacks.
And no, it’s not because I’m a lazy parent!
It’s because I like seeing that they can make healthy food for themselves, that way I know that they can continue doing so when they eventually become adults and move out of my home.
Plus, baking, cooking, and making food in general can bring out the creativity in kids and they can have so much fun doing it! (While learning what foods promote health and which don’t! This is a health promoting snack, yay!!)
Now for some tips:
- If your child has never skinned a fruit or veggie before, make sure you teach them how. We don’t want any skinned knuckles or blood on the snack. This is a skill I had my oldest child wait til she was at least 5 to start learning. My kids started helping in the kitchen by 18 months.
- If your child can skin the kiwis, well that’s the hardest skill they need to know for this holiday craft snack! Unless you don’t have a small star cookie cutter for the star on top of the tree.
- For children who aren’t able to skin the kiwis, the next most difficult skill would be cutting the kiwi.
Luckily kiwis are rather soft and are usually easy to slice.
Having your child use a knife to cut up anything can be scary, I get that!
But, they’ll have to learn sometime, and learning with a butter knife on soft fruit is going to be the easiest. Whether or not you decide to let them slice the kiwis themselves is up to you and your confidence in your child.
(My second daughter started cutting up fruit by 2 and a half years old, but that’s just her. Don’t feel pressured to teach or have your child start cutting up fruit if neither of you are ready for that. You don’t want to have any accidents that could’ve been avoided.)
Honestly, the easiest (and safest) way to make this snack and have it be the most fun for young kids would be to prepare all of the fruit and then give it to them to make the Christmas scene!
Just have fun and let them have fun, as well.
If you do give it to them and they end up making an entirely different scene, don’t stress it; let their creativity thrive!

How to Serve
The healthy Holiday snack below can also be perfect for Christmas parties; make it ahead of time, bring more than one by layering them on parchment paper and keeping cold.
Better yet, bring all of the ingredients and turn it into a fun activity for all the kids!
Other than packing it up as mentioned before, there isn’t really a way to store and save these for later. Bananas brown quite quickly, so this snack is really meant to be enjoyed ASAP!
More Healthy Christmas Recipes You’ll Love:
- Fruit Candy Cane
- Banana Snowmen
- Dairy-free, egg-free Christmas Sugar Cookies
- Non-Dairy Snowball Cookies
- Snowman Pancakes
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- Vegan Peanut Butter Blossoms
- 26 Kid Friendly Vegan Christmas Breakfast Recipes
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Kiwi Christmas Tree
Shawna ClapperEquipment
- cutting board
- 2 kiwis sliced, keep the peel
- 5-7 Blueberries
- 2 Strawberries diced
- 1 banana slice
- Skin and slice the kiwis.
- Arrange the kiwi slices in a triangle.
- Add the berries as ornaments and some kiwi peel tree trunk.
- Take the slice of banana, cut it into a star (or use a small star cookie cutter) and place at the top.
- Enjoy!