5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter G


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Do you have trouble getting your children to eat healthy snacks throughout the day?

Or have trouble coming up with healthy snacks for your kids?

I used to!

With my girls being picky eaters, especially my 5 year old; I’ve realized how truly difficult it is to have my girls eat healthy snacks. That’s why this past year my two girls and I had an A to Z healthy snack challenge.

Over 26 weeks we came up with over 130 healthy snacks to eat. Some of the snacks immediately became favorite snacks that we all want to have on hand, while others weren’t so great. (It may have been a recipe I found, or the fact that it was the first time I tried making it. Don’t give up on the ones that didn’t work for us!)

Let’s have a look back on those 26 weeks, one letter at a time! With each letter, will come at least 5 healthy snacks. So, if you’re looking for snacks for your kids at home, or snacks to bring in to your childs school that starts with a specific letter; you’ve come to the right place!


If you’re interested in teaching your little ones the alphabet, with more than the use of snacks, you NEED to check out Prep Through Play: Letters!! Your little one will have tons of fun and conquer learning the entire alphabet in 5 weeks through playing games!

Check it out here!

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Want to Remember This? Pin 5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter G to your favorite Pinterest Board!!


snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Snacks that Start with G

This week we focused on the letter G for our healthy snack challenge. Like all of the other weeks it had hits and misses.

Some foods just take more tries to acquire a taste for them, such as grapefruit. My older daughter was not a fan of those. But, she is starting to like a food that I’ve had her try about 10 other times in the past year. This just proves that consistency is key to helping little ones develop a healthy palette for taste. Maybe after about 10 more times of trying grapefruit she’ll start to like that, as well.

For right now, her eating other healthy food is fine. Go ahead and check out our snacks for this past week!

If you would like to catch up with the other letters of the alphabet that have been accomplished with this challenge so far, you can. Go here to check out letter F if you missed that, or head over to the A to Z series homepage!

Green Grapes

On Monday we had green grapes, thanks to my 4 year old wanting these over the red ones.

I always thought green grapes were a little bit more sour than red ones; this bunch of grapes proved me wrong.

They were perfect and juicy, not sour at all. I guess it all depends on the bag you grab.

We ended up eating these with our breakfast for the rest of the week.

Don’t forget to cut them in half, or quarters, for your little ones. It allows them to eat the grapes without all the juice spaying in their mouths. Plus, the grapes I had were rather large, my older daughter even asked me to cut hers in half.

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids


Alright, if you remember from above, my older daughter was not a fan of grapefruit. She even warned my younger daughter NOT to eat it because she thought it was bad. Therefore, I couldn’t get my younger daughter to try it.

This was on Tuesday. I’m not a big fan of the grapefruit either, it’s a bit bitter.

So, I turned it into grapefruit juice (with our juicer); it was much better this way. I drank about 1 and a half grapefruits, which ended up being about 1 cup of juice. My older daughter liked this a little better, but she told me I could drink the rest of it because she wanted to be nice. She then started to ask for grape juice. Since we don’t buy juice and I had yet to wash our juicer, I told her we would try that out for our next snack, on Wednesday.

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Grape Juice

On Wednesday, just as I had told my older daughter, we had grape juice!

This was absolutely delicious. It took about a cup and a half to 2 cups of grapes to make one cup of juice, my older daughter thought it so delicious too, she drank up most of it. She did let me have a few sips before she drank the rest.

My younger daughter unfortunately won’t eat or drink anything unless she is only one hanging onto the container its in. So, she didn’t try this as I didn’t want grape juice to be splattered all over my kitchen. The juicer my husband and I bought was definitely a worthwhile purchase!

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Golden Raisin Cookies

On Thursday I was wanting something sweet, and I know my girls wouldn’t mind something sweet, as well.

I made raisin oatmeal cookies with golden raisins.

My 15 month old loves these raisins, just as much as regular raisins, my four year old not so much. I guess I should’ve known right from that that my older daughter wouldn’t like these cookies. That didn’t stop these cookies from disappearing all in the same day, though.

They were that good, they had no refined sugar, we used oat flour and oats, and had enough cinnamon to taste. My 15 month old only threw a little bit off of her tray and ate the rest, meaning she loves them! Seeing as how they were all gone in one day, I was glad I made half a batch.

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Green Peppers and Grape Tomatoes

On Friday we had some veggies, as an attempt to even out the week a little bit.

Neither of my girls are big fans of raw veggies. So, we tried green peppers and grape tomatoes.

My younger daughter loved the tomatoes, my older daughter didn’t hate; she called them red grapes. They weren’t big fans of the pepper, though. I had them try it with hummus and they still weren’t eating it.

Then I had my older try it with peanut butter; well, she ate the peanut butter, not so much the pepper, though. We may just have to keep trying these once in awhile til my daughters will start to eat them. If not, I can always get them to eat peppers when mixed into my quinoa stew.

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

And, to sum up this past week with a list:


  1. Green Grapes
  2. Grapefruit
  3. Grape Juice
  4. Golden Raisin Cookies
  5. Green Pepper with Hummus

snacks that start with g, letter g snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids   snacks that start with g

Please share if you found this useful. Go ahead and try this challenge out yourself with your kids; we all know it can be a challenge to get our children eating healthy, and the more options we have to choose from, the more we can all be successful at finding something they will actually eat!!

It’s easier to show them how delicious fruits and veggies are now, than waiting til they’re older and hoping they will eat healthy. This is something we need to teach them and lead by example with.

If you would like to find out all of the other snacks we had on this challenge, from the rest of the alphabet, you can:

Leave a comment with other snacks that start with the letter G. And, don’t forget to check out snacks that start with the letter H!


Or, if you want an amazing bundle to help yourself and children be healthy, check out this bundle I created specifically for moms who want their children to eat better!

Don’t forget to check out Prep Through Play: Letters to teach your little ones the entire alphabet through fun games you can play with them. It’s like a mini curriculum to help get them ready for school!!

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