5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter S

Do you have trouble getting your children to eat healthy snacks throughout the day?

Or have trouble coming up with healthy snacks for your kids?

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I used to!

With my girls being picky eaters, especially my 5 year old; I’ve realized how truly difficult it is to have my girls eat healthy snacks. That’s why this past year my two girls and I had an A to Z healthy snack challenge.

Over 26 weeks we came up with over 130 healthy snacks to eat. Some of the snacks immediately became favorite snacks that we all want to have on hand, while others weren’t so great. (It may have been a recipe I found, or the fact that it was the first time I tried making it. Don’t give up on the ones that didn’t work for us!)

Let’s have a look back on those 26 weeks, one letter at a time! With each letter, will come at least 5 healthy snacks. So, if you’re looking for snacks for your kids at home, or snacks to bring in to your childs school that starts with a specific letter; you’ve come to the right place!


If you’re interested in teaching your little ones the alphabet, with more than the use of snacks, you NEED to check out Prep Through Play: Letters!! Your little one will have tons of fun and conquer learning the entire alphabet in 5 weeks through playing games!

Check it out here!

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Want to Remember This? Pin 5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter S to your favorite Pinterest Board!!


Vsnacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Snacks that Start with S

This past week we focused on the letter S for our snacks. This was probably one of the easier letters in the alphabet, so I’m thankful for that! I’m especially thankful because that was one easy thing for me this past week.

One not so easy thing was that my 18 month old was trying to boycott her naps almost all week. She’d take a nap, but not til 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and that would ruin her going to bed by her bedtime. So, that has been a little stressful. At least our snacks have been easy and delicious!

If you would like to catch up with the other letters of the alphabet that have been accomplished with this challenge so far, you can. Go here to check out letter R if you missed that, or head over to the A to Z series homepage!


On Monday we had strawberries; we also had them on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and we’ll probably have them today, too.

We all love strawberries, they’re cheap right now too, so that’s a plus! Lately, my 18 month old has not been wanting to get into her highchair to eat; these strawberries are the perfect bribe to get her in it. My older daughter and myself have really been enjoying the strawberries, too!

snacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Sweet Potato

On Tuesday we had sweet potatoes.

We had them as a late afternoon snack that somewhat flooded into dinner. My younger daughter ate them all up plain. My older daughter requested a little brown sugar with hers, and if it’s going to get her to eat it, then why not. A

nd yes, these were baked in the microwave, but they still tasted good. When you have little kids who are hungry, you can’t always wait for an oven to preheat, wait again to bake something it, and then wait one more time for the food to cool; that’s simply too much to ask of little kids.

snacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids


On Wednesday we had smoothies (made with my nutribullet), with spinach!!

My girls usually always drink my smoothies. This smoothie was no exception!

My younger daughter had a few sips before trying to throw it and my older daughter drank hers right up. To add in some extra nutrients I always add in chia seeds and flaxseeds to my smoothies. Not that the smoothies aren’t already healthy, but they add in a bit of omega-3’s and extra fiber. Plus, if I’m to have a smoothie with raspberries or blackberries, I have to have chia seeds in it, too. I’m not a big fan of the seeds from those berries.

snacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids


On Thursday we all split a salad for a snack.

If you read last weeks’ post you’d know that we recently started eating salads in our home, and this habit has fortunately continued to this week.

My younger daughter will only eat the tomatoes and cucumbers, but my older daughter and I ate up the rest. What isn’t shown in the picture are the croutons my older daughter eats on the side of her salad. She thinks those are the best part of the salad and thought it was silly when we didn’t have any croutons the week before for our salads.

simple salad with lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, croutons, red cabbage

Strawberry Milkshake

On Friday we had strawberry milkshakes, or I should say nice cream.

I guess I didn’t put enough milk in it, but that’s alright. This consistency makes it a lot easier to give it to my 18 month old and not find it 2 minutes later all over the floor. There were no complaints from my older daughter either, she loves when I make home made nice cream.

Plus, I’d rather have them eat this than store bought ice cream.

snacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

To sum up this past week with a list,


  1. Strawberries
  2. Sweet Potato
  3. Smoothie
  4. Salad
  5. Strawberry Milkshake
snacks that start with s, letter s snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids
snacks that start with s

Please share if you found this useful. Go ahead and try this challenge out yourself with your kids; we all know it can be a challenge to get our children eating healthy, and the more options we have to choose from, the more we can all be successful at finding something they will actually eat!!

It’s easier to show them how delicious fruits and veggies are now, than waiting til they’re older and hoping they will eat healthy. This is something we need to teach them and lead by example with.

If you would like to find out all of the other snacks we had on this challenge, from the rest of the alphabet, you can:

Leave a comment with other snacks that start with S. And, don’t forget to check out snacks that start with the letter T!


Or, if you want an amazing bundle to help yourself and children be healthy, check out this bundle I created specifically for moms who want their children to eat better!

Don’t forget to check out Prep Through Play: Letters to teach your little ones the entire alphabet through fun games you can play with them. It’s like a mini curriculum to help get them ready for school!!

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