1 banana chocolate chip muffin on a white plate surrounded by more chocolate chips.
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Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

Simple homemade applesauce in a small glass bowl with a teal pot and another bowl of applesauce behind it.

My Easy Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce (that you’ll regret not making)!!

Apple monsters, clementine pumpkins, and banana ghosts, all arranged together on a cutting board for a kids Halloween party.

Super Cute & Healthy Halloween Snacks For Kids

Halloween banana ghosts and banana mummies on a white plate on a cutting board.

Halloween Banana Ghosts

4 clementine pumpkins with celery stick stems on a white plate.

Clementine Pumpkins for Halloween (Easy, Healthy & Cute)

Close up of vegan apple muffins with icing on a black cooling rack.
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Vegan Apple Muffins

3 apple monster mouths sitting on a white plate on top of a wood cutting board, looking silly and adorable!

Silly Halloween Apple Monsters

Overhead of homemade vegan cinnamon toast crunch in a bowl without milk, with a spoon to the side.

Vegan Cinnamon Toast Crunch

muddy buddies
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Muddy Buddies Recipe

banana ice cream sundae

Banana Ice Cream Sundae