How to Start Eating Healthy Again (after getting off track)
How to Start Eating Healthy Again (after getting off track)
You know how it goes with eating healthy.
You start January first with all of this hope and excitement that this is going to be the year you finally keep that New Year’s resolution all year long and eBat healthy!
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Then a month passes. Two and three more pass, then it’s summer and just eating whatever you feel like, or whatever is quickest for the kids and you so you can get back to doing what you were doing.
You loosen the reigns on your healthy eating habits, and it’s just a spiral down from there.
You’re welcoming soda, chips, and ice cream back into your body simply because it tastes good and it’s hot out.
You know you need to take control again and start eating healthy again, but maybe you need a little help; you know it’s not going to be as easy as you hope.
The best time to start eating healthy again is now, and you know it!
But, if you need a little more motivation, the next best time to start eating healthy again, after January first, s back to school time; everyone is getting back into habits. Waking up early, meal planning, getting on a set schedule; it’s the time for change, and it’s the time for you to start eating healthy again!
There are some things that will help you, though, that isn’t purely motivation. I’ve gathered 7 ways below to start eating healthy again, after you fell off track with you healthy eating habits (no matter how long you had them for).
Related Posts:
How to Make a Healthy Meal Plan on a Budget
The Benefits of Meal Prepping
How to Meal Plan (when you have no motivation to do so)
How to Eat Your Favorite Foods and Be Healthy at the Same Time
Start Eating Healthy Way #1: Clean Out your Fridge, Freezer, and Pantry
You know how hard it can sometimes be to eat healthy; don’t sabotage your efforts by keeping unhealthy food around!
Believe me, trying to eat healthy with unhealthy and easy to just grab and eat food (or food products) within your reach, is really hard. It’s like a hundred times harder. It requires some true self discipline and will power; something we may not have quite yet, and may be the reason we got off our healthy eating track in the first place.
So, do yourself, and your household, a favor, and get rid out the unhealthy food in your home.
You know this will help you in your efforts to eat better. So, just take five or ten minutes a day to do this until all you have left is healthy, and real, food.
Some things you’ll want to consider getting rid of:
- processed snack foods (such as poptarts)
- processed dinners (such as pasta sides or mac and cheese in a box)
- white sugar and white flour
- anything with high fructose corn syrup, or corn syrup (they’re the same thing)
- anything with color dyes
- anything with BHT
- and basically any food product you find where you don’t know what the ingredients on the label are
*If you’re a smarty pants and know what every ingredient is on the label; make sure you only keep the foods that you know are healthy!
Start Eating Healthy Way #2: Stock Your Pantry for Success
While you’re in the process of ridding your kitchen of all the unhealthy food, you’ll want to start replacing the unhealthy food with healthy ones.
Some foods to consider keeping stocked:
- Oats (lots of plain oats, we use old fashioned oats in my home)
- Brown Rice
- Dried beans (all or any)
- Legumes, Lentils, and Split Peas
- Quinoa
- Peanut, Almond, or Cashew Butter
- Nuts (any or all)
- Dried Pasta (whole grain, veggie, or other)
- Couscous
- Tea (if you drink tea)
- Pure Maple Syrup
- Dates, raisins, other dried fruit
- Spices (including cinnamon)
- Nutritional Yeast (especially if vegan)
- other healthy items…
If you live with someone else who does not have the goal to eat healthy (maybe, your husband, because some guys seem to be immune to gaining weight…), then you may need to compromise. You could split the fridge; half healthy and half unhealthy, just don’t cross the invisible line! Maybe, have one shelf, or one cupboard dedicated to their junk food (and make sure you don’t go into that cupboard.
It may be difficult, especially at first, but if that’s what you need to do, do it.
Start Eating Healthy Way #3: Meal Plan
I cannot say enough good things abut meal planning!
If you don’t already meal plan; you NEED to start ASAP.
Meal planning is a total game changer when yo’re trying to eat better. How are you supposed to know what you need to buy to eat healthy, if you don’t know what you’re going to eat for the week?
And, if you don’t buy everything you need for the week to eat, then you’re much more likely to eat out.
*Hint- eating out is not healthy, check out these 6 Healthy Eating Rules to Live By, to find out more!
Start Eating Healthy Way #4: Meal Prep
Meal prepping is kind of like meal planning, but you can’t meal prep unless you have already meal planned and bought groceries for the week.
Meal prepping is where the magic happens for eating healthier!
It takes the barrier or not wanting to cook during your busy week right out of the equation.
It saves you time, money, and the need to think about what you’re going to eat.
No more dreading eating healthy because it can take time everyday to prepare your meals; do it all on the weekend in just a couple hours.
If you don’t know where to start with meal prepping, check this out! It’ll walk you right through meal prepping to improve your health and get your energy back!
Start Eating Healthy Way #5: Start Your Day Out Right!
I don’t know about you, but what I first eat or drink during the day sets the stage for my eating for the rest of the day.
Think about it.
If you start your day with coffee and a sweet, what are you going to want to eat for the rest of the day?
You’re probably going to keep craving sugar and caffeine (I know I do).
But, if you start the day with a smoothie, or some fruit and water, how does the rest of your day look in concerns to food?
Probably pretty good, huh?
Remember that before you head for the coffee and donuts while half asleep; grab some water and an orange instead!!
Try it for a few days and see how much you improve with your eating habits, I dare you.
Start Eating Healthy Way #6: Actually Eat what You Prepared
Alright, so meal planning, meal prepping, and starting your day right will always help set you up on the right path; staying on that path can be a bit trickier, though.
One of the hardest parts of eating healthy isn’t the planning, it’s actually sticking with what you planned and what you prepared to eat.
You can plan and prepare food til you’re blue in the face, but if you don’t stick to the plan and eat what you made then all that effort just went to waste.
I know this is hard, especially when you can order food and have it delivered to your door.
Our bodies are designed to crave fat and carbs and the densest foods out there. Unfortunately, the dense foods high in calories lack in nutrients and are high in empty calories.
This is where we need a little self discipline. It can be done, people eat healthy all the time. And, guess what? The more you eat healthy, the more you’re body will adjust and start craving the healthy food; and the less it’ll crave the unhealthy food. So, just stick with it, it will eventually get easier. It may take awhile, though, so be patient.
Start Eating Healthy Way #7: Drink Water to Help You Stay on Track
When all else fails; drink water.
Water has so many health benefits, it’s silly to not drink it.
You should be sipping on water all day long. Find a nice water bottle and bring it with you everywhere!
Water will help keep you on track eating healthy, it’ll help keep you full, hydrated, and it’ll help keep your energy up on a molecular level!
Many times when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually just thirsty, so drink some water and wait a few minutes. It can also help cure cravings (learned through personal experience). If you drink enough water you can help keep yourself satiated and calm a craving down to just a simple thought.
Try it for yourself and see if it helps!
It can be tough…
It can be tough to get back on track and start eating healthy again after you had stopped. That’s why you fell off track in the first place, but it’s never too late to try again….and again….and again!
Eating healthy is a journey, not a destination. There will be rough times, but they’ll also be amazing times. Like when you discover ‘Nice Cream’ and copycat healthier candy bars. Or, are eating a fruit salad, or smoothie bowl, for breakfast; nothing can beat those times when you find amazingly healthy and delicious foods!
But, you may need some help. You may need some encouragement, some fresh and healthy recipes that you haven’t tried before, information in the form of books. And, you’ll absolutely want support and guidance from others with the same goal!
Luckily, there is this awesome company who’s goal it is to bundle together thousands of dollars worth of products and put them on sale, with the permission of the creators of course, and sell them for about 98% off altogether! This year’s Healthy Living Bundle is only on sale through 9/10 this year (2018) and is even better than last years! So take advantage of the sale while it lasts!
The bundle this year has resources for:
- raising healthy kids
- gardening
- wellness and selfcare
- allergy free cooking
- alternative health (such as if dealing with a health issue, like thyroid issues or crohns)
- detox and reset
- fitness and weightloss
- home and beauty
- homesteading
- natural remedies
- pregnancy and baby
- real food
- and recipes
There is a lot to it this year, and they aren’t just digital products that are useless or ones that the creators created to give away for free. These are solid digital products that, in general, aren’t cheap outside of this bundle. It includes full ebooks (some almost 400 pages!), courses, printables, and more! So take advantage of the sale while it lasts!
I’ve already combed through the resources and started on a few books. Sign up for my email list and let me know if you have any questions whatsoever about it! I’ll personally answer any question you may have! You can also always contact me here.
Don’t forget to check out what I use, or wish I could use, in my own kitchen:Â