5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter I


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Do you have trouble getting your children to eat healthy snacks throughout the day? Or have trouble coming up with those healthy snacks? I used to. With my girls being picky eaters, especially my 5 year old; I’ve realized how truly difficult it is to have my girls eat healthy snacks. That’s why this past year my two girls and I had an A to Z healthy snack challenge.

Over 26 weeks we came up with over 130 healthy snacks to eat. Some of the snacks immediately became favorite snacks that we all want to have on hand, while others weren’t so great. (It may have been a recipe I found, or the fact that it was the first time I tried making it. Don’t give up on the ones that didn’t work for us!)

Let’s have a look back on those 26 weeks, one letter at a time! With each letter, will come at least 5 healthy snacks. So, if you’re looking for snacks for your kids at home, or snacks to bring in to your childs school that starts with a specific letter; you’ve come to the right place!


If you’re interested in teaching your little ones the alphabet, with more than the use of snacks, you NEED to check out Prep Through Play: Letters!! Your little one will have tons of fun and conquer learning the entire alphabet in 5 weeks through playing games!

Check it out here!

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Want to Remember This? Pin 5 Snacks For Kids That Start With The Letter I to your favorite Pinterest Board!!


snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Letter I

This past week for the A to Z snack challenge we focused on the letter I.

I don’t know about you, but I had to be a little more creative for this letter than some in the past.

If you were able to get your kids to eat ice berg lettuce, then more power to you.

But, my girls are both under five and as much as I could hope that they would eat salad; they won’t, they just play with it. Since they wouldn’t eat the only veggie I could think of that started with I, we had snacks that started with I instead. Such as insects!! Don’t be disgusted, we made them out of food. Keep reading to find out how!

If you would like to catch up with the other letters of the alphabet that have been accomplished with this challenge so far, you can. Go here to check out letter H if you missed that, or head over to the A to Z series homepage!


Italian Bread

On Monday we had home made Italian bread. It had been awhile since I used my kitchen aid, and since I made bread. So, I figure it was about time to. This past week was actually the first time I made bread since moving to the west coast. Plus, we had pasta the night before I made the bread and there were leftovers. So, it made a great side, as well as a snack.

The reaction I got from my daughters trying fresh home made Italian bread was wonderful. They had it while it was still warm and absolutely loved it, I did too.

I made just a small loaf of Italian bread and then I made regular bread for sandwiches; I probably should’ve made a larger loaf of Italian. The small loaf was gone in a single day, while it was still warm.

I don’t have my own recipe for bread, but there are tons on the internet. If you have never made home made bread, do yourself a favor and at least try to. The recipe I use is called vegan crazy dough and I cut the recipe in half.

snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Ice Cream (Vegan)

On Tuesday I made ice cream.

More specifically I made vanilla peanut butter nice cream, which is delicious!

My older daughter asks for this all the time. My girls and I don’t eat store bought ice cream (except on rare occasions, and then it’s usually cashew milk ice cream).

The kind I make, I used to make in my nutribullet,  would always come out soupy. So, a couple weeks ago I decided to make it in my food processor; now I always use my food processor!

It really makes that much of a difference. My daughters like it better in the food processor, too. My younger daughter, who is just about 16 months old, even enjoyed the ice cream this week. She’s starting to enjoy using a spoon all by herself now! Kids grow up so fast.

You can find full recipes for vegan ice cream here: How to Make 6 Different Kinds of Vegan Ice Cream

snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids


On Wednesday, we had our insect snacks!

And no, they were not real insects.

We made ants on a log, spiders, a butterfly and caterpillar.

The ants on a log were made of peanut butter, pretzels, and raisins, everything else had bananas incorporated into it. My younger daughter just wanted the ants on the logs; she loves raisins and pretzels. My older daughter was so excited to eat these. The look on her face was priceless; she loved them!

Although, I think she’s enjoying this whole snack challenge! She knows I take pictures of all of our healthy snacks. She’ll sometimes even tell me to take a picture of her food, as if she thinks I need to take a picture of every healthy thing she eats!

snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Ice Pops

Alright, so on Thursday we may have had something store bought.

We had ice pops, my husband picked them out with our girls in mind.

And, believe it or not, the ice pops, according to the ingredient list, weren’t all the bad. Plus, our girls absolutely loved them. Our younger daughter even ate it how it was supposed to be eaten; for the most part. Our older daughter was happy about them as well. These weren’t the kind she was used to, but she still had one. It also helped that this was the warmest day all week; it was in the 60’s.

snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Ice Cubes (Flavored)

Thursday night I made ice cubes (with my awesome ice cube trays, that don’t hurt me) with different types of fruit in them so we could have flavored ice cubes in our water on Friday.

My younger daughter didn’t seem too amused by this, but my older daughter loved this. Although, she didn’t want water in her cup with the ice cubes. All she wanted to do was lick the ice cubes, then eat the fruit once she got to it. I guess I was the only one who had it in water, and it was pretty good.

The ice cubes definitely gave the water some flavor, more so than I thought it would. In the ice cubes we had blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, mango, and lemon juice. The lemon juice ice cubes were quite strong, but everything else had a nice flavor to them; not too strong, but still able to taste them in the water.

snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids

Everyday this past week was a win for our snacks with my girls. I hope yours were wins with your children as well. Hopefully, we can do just as well next week. But, to sum up this past week with a list,



snacks that start with i, letter i snacks, alphabet snacks, snacks for kids, healthy snacks, healthy snacks for kids   snacks that start with i

Please share if you found this useful. Go ahead and try this challenge out yourself with your kids; we all know it can be a challenge to get our children eating healthy, and the more options we have to choose from, the more we can all be successful at finding something they will actually eat!!

It’s easier to show them how delicious fruits and veggies are now, than waiting til they’re older and hoping they will eat healthy. This is something we need to teach them and lead by example with.

If you would like to find out all of the other snacks we had on this challenge, from the rest of the alphabet, you can:

Leave a comment with other snacks that start with the letter I. And, don’t forget to check out snacks that start with the letter J!


Or, if you want an amazing bundle to help yourself and children be healthy, check out this bundle I created specifically for moms who want their children to eat better!

Don’t forget to check out Prep Through Play: Letters to teach your little ones the entire alphabet through fun games you can play with them. It’s like a mini curriculum to help get them ready for school!!

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