10 Nutribullet Benefits for Moms
Have you ever wanted to be healthier, but don’t know where to start?
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Or, know that as a mom, you probably should start caring about your own health, now that you’re responsible for another human beings health, as well?
Well, what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be hard or take an hour of prep work to start being healthier, for yourself and child(ren)!?!
What if I told you that you can add at least 3 more fruits and veggies, along with amazing (and cheap) super foods, into your diet in about 5 minutes a day?
And, what if, the same small appliance that can help you do that can also grind oats into flour, for healthier desserts like cookies and muffins, and make home made baby food and baby cereal. No more buying baby food at one or two dollars a serving! No serving your toddler, or older child, baked goods with nutrient lacking white, or all purpose, flour!
As a mom, I think we could all appreciate something that allows us to provide healthier food to ourselves and our children, while saving money and possibly even time! A nutribullet can do all of that for us, plus more!
Why I Honestly Love it SO Much
I got my nutribullet over four years ago as a Christmas present!
I had been doing my research and comparing it with other products similar to it, and I so hoped that someone in my family would be awesome enough to get it for me. (At the time it was more expensive than it is today and my husband was laid off from his job right before Christmas that year.) I was so thankful that his grandma bought for me, it’s helped me out in so many ways since then!
I’m much healthier because of it, and others see me as much healthier, as well.
Ask anyone I’ve worked with when I worked outside the home! People saw me as super healthy, especially when they saw me drinking something green in the break room.
I was like the health guru, wherever I worked, or at least that’s how it made me feel!
I have used this small machine almost everyday since I’ve gotten it, over 4 years ago, and there is no sign that it’s going to break down anytime soon! If I don’t use it to make a nutriblast (the healthy smoothies it creates by pulverizing fruits and veggies), then I use it for something else, like grinding oats for flour, or flaxseeds to make flax eggs.
Ok, ok, I may be a bit of a health nut. But, is that really a bad thing to be, as a mom?
Let’s get onto those 10 Nutribullet Benefits for Moms!
Nutribullet Benefits #1. It’s fast
On average, it takes about 20 seconds to make a nutriblast.
It may take 10 to 20 seconds longer to grind oats for flour.
But, with the power this product has, it doesn’t take long to get the consistency you are looking for, no matter what you grind or blend!
Nutribullet Benefits #2. It’s Safe
The nutribullet is safe to use, not only for you as an adult, but also for kids.
My 5 year old helps me use this all the time, she actually gets upset when I don’t let her help, because she thinks it’s so much fun to use!
The part with the blade screws onto the cup and can be difficult for a child, or yourself, to get off quickly so you don’t have to worry about chopping off a finger with a blade before it stops blending, like with a regular blender. And, when you’re using it, the cup can lock into place on the base.
This way you can lock it onto the base and let your little one hold onto it, making them think they’re doing it all by themselves; just help them, or unlock it, when they’re done!
Note: You must supervise little ones with the nutribullet to ensure safety. Do not let them use it all by themselves, it could potentially be dangerous.
Nutribullet Benefits #3. Everyone around you will envy you for your good nutrition
No joke on this one. I used to work at call centers and I’d always bring a nutriblast to work to drink.
I would always get so many comments when drinking it. From disgust because it was green, to people who wish they had the will power to eat as healthy as I do, and not just buy something from the vending machine!
So, if you want to start being thought of as a health guru where you work, or just want to be seen as healthy; start bringing and drinking these at work!
Some people have even seen weight loss after starting to use the nutribullet. I never used it as a weight loss aid, but anything that will help you eat more fruits and veggies, and less junk, is always going to have the potential to help you lose weight!
Nutribullet Benefits #4. Show your kids how delicious it is to be healthy!
As moms, we want our kids to be healthy, but we don’t want to have to shove veggies down their throats. So, let’s meet them in the middle and make them milkshakes and ice cream!
Kids love desserts, and we love for them to eat what’s good for them. The nutribullet makes it possible for both of us to get our ways! If you need suggestions on how to make delicious desserts for your kids using the nutribullet; check out this post!! Or, use my go to smoothie recipe from below!
Add the healthiest ingredients into your kids favorite desserts, without them even knowing!
Nutribullet Benefits #5. Teach your kids how EASY it is to be healthy!
Using a nutribullet is so easy, a kid can use it; so let them.
(Make sure you supervise, though, you know your child better than I do and whether they will need help or not. Maybe, pretend to let them help…)
There’s no better way to teach a child to be healthy than to be a good example and let them experiment with food themselves. They are much more likely to try eating something healthy if they are the ones who made it!
So, let them see you use your nutribullet and drink your nutriblasts on a daily basis. If they’re anything like my girls, you won’t be able to finish it without sharing!
Pretty soon they’ll be asking for their own and begging you if they can help make it!
Nutribullet Benefits #6. It Pulverizes ingredients, making it easier to digest
The nutribullet isn’t just a blender, it’s an extractor!
It extracts the nutrients from the fruits, veggies, and other healthy ingredients you put into it; making them more easily digested by our bodies. Which in turn provides us with more health benefits than a regular blender ever could!
This makes nutriblasts the perfect revitalizing drink for when you start to feel low on energy or simply not feel at your best. It literally takes only about 5 minutes for me to start feeling better after starting to drink a nutriblast! (More specifically, the recipe above!)
Nutribullet Benefits #7. It Can Replace multiple Small Kitchen Appliances to save you valuable space!
So far, I’ve replaced 3 of my small kitchen appliances with the nutribullet!
- a blender
- coffee grinder
- and baby bullet
It saves me space in my small kitchen by having multiple functions, and it saves me money and frustration by not having to deal with blenders that wear out, and replacing a baby bullet that fully gave out within a year! This appliance is still going strong after 4 years of everyday use!
Nutribullet Benefits #8. It comes with a Healthy Recipe Book
The recipe book isn’t just full of nutriblast recipes, it has information about how to eat healthy, and basically a meal plan to help you eat better!
There’s a recipe for a wrap with quinoa in it, that’s just amazing!
It’s focused on real foods, not processed or chemically laden foods like weight loss companies.
With the nutribullet, it’s all about health and getting the most out of real food that you can!
Nutribullet Benefits #9. Helps save food, and time!
If you’re sick of buying produce because you’re trying to be healthy, and then having it all go to waste, then you need this!
First off, you could use that produce in your nutriblasts to actually be healthy.
It only takes about 5 minutes to prep, make one, and clean up.
Secondly, you could simply buy frozen fruit and veggies to make nutriblasts; no more wasting money on fresh produce that’ll go bad before you even wash or cut it up!
And, third; if you notice you have produce about to go bad in your fridge, quickly extract all the nutrients, pour it into an ice cube tray and save it for making nutriblasts in the future!
(I do this with avocados when they’re about to go bad; they’re too expensive to got to waste!)
Nutribullet Benefits #10. Easy to Clean
We all know how important it is to clean our kitchen appliances after using them, even if they’re a pain in the butt to clean (I’m looking at you, juicer).
But, with the nutribullet, it’s super quick and easy.
After using it, (don’t forget to take the rubber piece out of the part with the blade) wash in hot soapy water.
There’s no hard parts to get to, or special cleaning tool you need, and you don’t have to worry about hurting yourself cleaning it!
If you do feel like you need something special to get under and in between the blades, a bottle brush with the nipple cleaning attachment works perfectly! (Or, a toothpick.)
Or, you could always do it the lazy way and add warm water and soap in the nutribullet and blend it like you would a nutriblast!
But, I prefer to wash the parts in the sink (not the motor part, though, that’ll probably ruin it; just wipe that part down if it gets dirty).

Why I Personally Recommend It
This little machine has done me wonders over the past four years.
When I first started working full time after I gave birth to my oldest daughter, coffee was not enough to give me the energy I needed through out the day.
So, I tried a little experiment and brought a nutriblast to work to sip on instead of coffee!
I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of energy I had to stay awake during the training and the tedious everyday tasks at my job; it was amazing!
Even now, staying home with my two girls, if I start to feel faint, or just sick or weak; I make myself a nutriblast, sit down on the couch, and start drinking it. Within 5 to 10 minutes after I start drinking it; I feel better!
I have my energy back and I’m ready to take on the rest of the day!
My girls tend to get a few sips of it, too. I can never have one all to myself!
So, if you’re serious about being a healthy mom with energy to get through each and every day, and providing your little ones with healthy baked goods, home made baby food, or delicious (and healthy) ‘milkshakes’, then I’d highly recommend this product!
Know anyone researching the Nutribullet, or trying to be healthy; share this honest nutribullet review with them!
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