Sample Vegan Meal Plan {Vegan Meal Plan PDF Available}
In this post you will find a 7 day vegan meal plan, from Sunday to Saturday for a family of 4. (Measurements won’t be exact as kids appetites are constantly fluctuating.) Vegan Meal Plan PDF AVAILABLE HERE!
Since this is a family vegan meal plan, it’s going to be simple and easy to follow with quick and easy vegan meals and snacks (what child can’t live without snacks!); to save you time, money, and most importantly your sanity.
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You’re not reading this to add stress to your life by need to spend three hours in the kitchen for dinner!
So, let’s keep it at an hour for dinners, at most!
*Time may be altered depending on how good your kids are at distracting you. My best suggestion is to put them to work and let them cook with you! Get two weeks of free online cooking classes for kids here!
Want to Remember This? Pin Sample Vegan Meal Plan {Vegan Meal Plan PDF Available} to your favorite Pinterest Board!!
An Easy Week Full of Healthy Vegan Meals
Let’s get started on this vegan meal plan for your whole family. Grab the printable Vegan Meal Plan PDF here, along with a shopping list, and additional recipes for the meals below!
Vegan Meal Plan for Families
Monday (leftovers…because Mondays are hard enough!)
Leftover Pancakes
Leftover Vegan Mac and ‘Cheese’
Leftover Quinoa Super Soup
Fruity Moods (Recipe included in PDF)
Veggie Pizza (Recipe included in PDF)
Blueberry Oatmeal (there will be NO LEFTOVERS! It’s JUST THAT GOOD!)
Fruity Moods
Avocado and Tomato Sandwich
Fruity Moods
Leftover Veggie Quesadillas
Blueberry or Strawberry Overnight Oats (Recipe included in PDF)
Veggie Sandwiches
Leftover Split Pea Soup
Vegan Snack Ideas
This meal plan can’t be complete without snacks!
Maybe you like a strict meal plan where everything is planned, and if it’s not planned, then it’s not going to be served. If so, there is a meal plan in the PDF for YOU!
But, if you’re like me and enjoy having some leeway in your meal plan, here is a list of snacks you can incorporate into your meal plan as you’d like;
- Green Smoothie
- Trail mix and a Clementine
- Apple with Peanut Butter
- Fruit Salad
- Non-Dairy Yogurt with Fruit
- Homemade Popsicles
- Nice Cream
- Energy Bites
- Etc.
Time Saving Vegan Meal Planning Hacks
If you want to spend most of your day out of the kitchen, then having a meal plan is vital!
Even better if you do some vegan meal prepping!
And by meal prep, no, I don’t mean making all your families meals on the weekend, portioning them out, and eating through out the week. Unless you want to do that!
But honestly, I don’t think most people have enough meal prep containers to do so, though it is something to consider if you’re completely overwhelmed 5 days a week!
Some realistic time saving hacks are;
- Wash all small produce in a vinegar/water bath as soon as you have
- Wash and Chop all veggies that need it, at the same time
- Make and freeze meals and snacks you can, such as;
- Pancakes
- Energy Bites
- Popsicles
- Cook beans ahead of time (or buy canned)
- Puree Avocados with a little bit of water and freeze in silicone ice cube trays (heat gently when needed)
Don’t forget to enjoy the days when all you have to do is heat up leftovers!
Money Saving Vegan Meal Planning Hacks
Saving time due to meal planning and prepping is such a great feeling, but sometimes it’s an even better feeling to be able to save money!
Luckily, you’re already headed in the right direction with saving money by reading this meal plan, because meal planning, and sticking to the meal plan is going to save you tons of money!
Meal prepping, and ensuring the food you buy doesn’t go to waste will also save you money; from not having to buy more or eat out.
But, there are some other ways to save money with a vegan meal plan, such as;
- avoiding processed plant based alternatives (find a recipe to make it yourself)
- buy your nuts and seeds in the baking aisle, they tend to be pre-chopped and a little bit cheaper than in a snack aisle
- DON’T buy name brand- seriously, you’re paying for the brand when you do that!
- freeze any leftovers, these make for a great back up meal later in the week or another week, or as a second meal or big snack for kids going through growth spurts
- have quick and easy back up meals to prevent ordering in (pasta and veggies, prep some freezer meals, sandwiches, breakfast dinners, etc.)
Don’t Forget Your Vegan Meal Plan PDF!
Make sure you download the PDF version of this vegan meal plan!
There’s pages for;
- 1 week vegan meal plan with breakfast, lunches, and dinners,
- 1 week vegan meal plan with all meals and 2 snacks per day
- grocery list
- Fruity Moods Recipe
- Veggie Pizza Recipe
- Strawberry & Blueberry Overnight Oats Recipes
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